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Resiliency, 2nd Edition
An Integrated Approach to Practice, Policy, and Research
Roberta R. Greene, Editor
ISBN: 978-0-87101-426-9. 2012. Item #4269. 374 pages.
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After a decade of informing students and practitioners in the field, Roberta R. Greene's seminal text on resilience theory has been updated for a new decade with Resiliency: An Integrated Approach to Practice, Policy, and Research, 2nd edition. Emerging from the ecological and systems frameworks of the profession's person-in-environment approach, resiliency theory offers social workers a perspective that is empirically based, practical, and focused on personal strengths.

Illustrated with clear examples of resiliency-based practice in a variety of settings and drawing on numerous social work approaches, Resiliency equips readers with specific intervention strategies to nurture and supports clients' strengths, self-efficacy, and ability to adapt to changing circumstances, and heal.

The included CD makes the new edition of Resiliency especially applicable in social work classrooms, but students and teachers alike – as well as practitioners, policymakers, and researchers – will value this update, for the latest thinking regarding an important paradigm that underscores the heroic nature of human endurance and fortitude.
About the Editor
About the Contributors
September 11, 2001

Chapter 1: Human Behavior Theory: A Resilience Orientation
Roberta R. Greene

Chapter 2: Resilience: Basic Assumptions and Terms
Roberta R. Greene and Ann P. Conrad

Chapter 3: Resilience: A Social Construction
Roberta R. Greene and Nancy C. Livingston

Chapter 4: Resilience Research: Methodological Square Pegs and Theoretical Black Holes
William H. Barton

Chapter 5: Resilience and Physical Health
Joyce Grahl Riley

Chapter 6: Resilience and Mental Health: A Shift in Perspective
Robert Blundo

Chapter 7: Surviving Violence and Trauma: Resilience in Action at the Micro Level
Nancy J. Rothenberg

Chapter 8: Resilience and Violence at the Macrolevel
Irene Queiro-Tajalli and Craig Campbell

Chapter 9: Raising Children in an Oppressive Environment: Voices of Resilient Adults
Roberta R. Greene, Norma J. Taylor, Margaret Evans, and Linda Anderson Smith

Chapter 10: Toward a Resilience-based Model of School Social Work: A Turnaround Mentor
Gerald T. Powers

Chapter 11: Educational Resilience
Jean E. Brooks

Chapter 12: Listening to Girls: A Study in Resilience
Marie L. Watkins

Chapter 13: Promoting Resilience among Returning Veterans
Robert Blundo, Roberta R. Greene, and Joyce Grahl Riley

Chapter 14: Resilience and the Older Adult
Judith S. Lewis and Evelyn B. Harrell

Chapter 15: Applying a Risk and Resilience Perspective to People with Intellectual Disabilities
Nancy P. Kropf and Roberta R. Greene

Chapter 16: Resilience and Social Work Policy
Carol Tully

When the first edition of the book was written, following the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon on September 11, 2001, it was not uncommon to hear people say, "The world has changed forever." I know I was shocked by the realization that what my colleagues and I had written for this book took on a startling reality. This remains true a decade later as we added chapters on resilience among returning veterans and schools.

When I began creating this book more than a decade ago, I had no idea of the journey I had undertaken. As the process of learning about resiliency unfolded, I learned that it meant different things to different people. A review of the literature revealed that there were many quantitative studies using large-scale databases that documented the epidemiological nature of risk and resilience. Qualitative studies revealed how people were able to survive unthinkable risks and become successful adults. The review also uncovered the work of many clinicians who believed that a resiliency approach had transformed their own mental health practice. Also, I was not surprised to find resiliency discussed in the popular media including newspapers, magazines, and self-help books.

I experienced powerful learning about resiliency during the 35 interviews conducted for the first edition. Over a hundred more were conducted for this second edition. The stories of survivors and professionals gave credence to the idea that people can be successful despite serious negative life events. Their courageous stories also underscored that although we must acknowledge our clients’ troubles and pain, we as social workers cannot afford to overlook their resources and potential.

I could never imagine that the courageous stories I heard during these interviews would be magnified to the degree they have been by the heroic stories following the attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center. The heroism of "everyday people" and all professionals at the scene document the stuff of human resiliency.
Key aspects of resiliency theory and research are synthesized in this volume, and these concepts are then applied to social work practice. The text is intended to provide an integrated foundation framework that addresses human behavior in the social environment, policy, research, social work practice, ethics and values, diversity, and social and economic justice. The contributors are particularly concerned with understanding factors that contribute to people being at risk and learning successful means to redress these difficulties.

Although social workers have long sought a framework that focuses on client strength, the profession has yet to adopt a multisystemic, empirically based theory that can be applied in assessment and intervention across people’s life course. Resiliency theory is such an emerging paradigm.

Social work practice demands the ability to understand, critique, and apply a number of human behavior theories. Resiliency theory is best understood in conjunction with ecological and systems thinking that characterizes the profession’s person-in-environment approach. To that end, these chapters afford students and practitioners a new, forward-thinking vocabulary and body of knowledge and skills. It is hoped that this will build on social work tradition and provide a context and a belief system that underscores the heroic nature of human endurance and fortitude.
Roberta R. Greene, PhD, MSW, is a chair in gerontology at the School of Social Work, University of Texas at Austin, and a clinical social worker with a PhD in human development. She has worked for NASW as a staff member and was instrumental in passing the 1987 Nursing Home Reform Act. She has also worked for the Council on Social Work Education as a curriculum development specialist.

Dr. Greene has written a classic text used in schools of social work around the country: Human Behavior and Social Work Practice, now in its third edition. That text is complemented by Human Behavior Theory: A Diversity Framework, which is in its second edition. Dr. Greene is also known for her expertise on Erik Erikson and has written a chapter for the Comprehensive Handbook of Social Work and Social Welfare. Her article on resilience appears in the Encyclopedia of Social Work.

The author of 12 books and numerous research articles, Dr. Greene is currently continuing her scholarship through filmmaking and Web site design. In addition, she serves on a number of editorial review boards and was a recipient of the 2004 NASW Pioneer Award and the AGE-SW 2005 Career Achievement Award.