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Chapter 7: Clearance of Manuscripts

When a manuscript is scheduled for a journal issue, it is edited for style and format and sent to the author for clearance. You will be asked to review the editing, answer editorial queries, and complete or update references. Because production schedules often require short turnaround times for clearing a manuscript, authors are given advance warning, whenever possible, to expect the manuscript and queries. The NASW Press attempts to edit manuscripts in advance of issues; however, doing so is not always possible.

You should review the edited manuscript carefully because you most likely will not have another opportunity to make changes. At first glance, the edited manuscript may appear formidable, but if you look closer you will see that many of the marks are simply directions to the typesetter. NASW Press editors generally edit electronically to speed up the production process and to simplify review. You should discuss any concerns about the editing with the appropriate staff editor. Occasionally, authors are sent galley proofs for review.

Use a contrasting color or font to mark responses to queries; be sure to respond to editorial queries in the space where the query appears in the manuscript; check the following before returning your manuscript:

  • Does the editing reflect the original intent and meaning?
  • Have all queries been answered?
  • Are the references correct and complete? For statistical papers, are the data presented correctly?
  • Are written permissions included for any material reproduced from another source?

Queries most frequently relate to the necessity for thorough documentation and complete references. One of our services to you as author is to ensure that your article meets high standards for scholarship; consequently, we will request that you supply any missing components of references and provide missing documentation. Please do not ignore these queries or request that the copy editor search for items such as page numbers or volume years.

When you are satisfied with your responses to all queries and comfortable with the final product, return the complete manuscript to the NASW Press to the attention of the staff editor.

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