NASW Press
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Information for Authors: Children & Schools

Children & Schools, established in 1978 as Social Work in Education, publishes professional materials relevant to social work services in education. Journal subscribers include school social workers, health and mental health agencies, educational institutions, the juvenile justice system entities, and others concerned about child welfare, child development, and education.

Authors are invited to submit manuscripts related to early intervention programs; preschool, elementary, and secondary education; and transitions to adulthood. The editorial board particularly encourages practitioners to share their practice knowledge and welcomes articles on innovations in practice, interdisciplinary efforts, legislation, policy, planning, and administration. Research articles that include quantitative studies, such as single-subject designs, group designs, and program evaluation, and qualitative studies, such as case studies, ethnographic interviews, and focus groups, are encouraged.

As a practice-oriented journal, Children & Schools represents the broad spectrum of educational activities; controversial manuscripts that will encourage dialogue are welcomed. The editorial board particularly invites manuscripts that emphasize practice and cultural diversity.

The editorial board of Children & Schools strives to include articles that appeal to the journal's broad constituency, addressing both practice and policy issues. Related articles are often grouped in an issue. A call for papers on special themes may be issued on topics of major importance to the field.


Manuscripts for full-length articles may not exceed 20 pages, including all components. The entire review process is anonymous. At least three reviewers critique each manuscript, after which the editor-in-chief makes a decision, taking those reviews into consideration.


Practice Highlights describes exemplary social work services in educational settings. Authors are encouraged to submit descriptive case studies of their direct work with individuals and families. The editorial board encourages a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration. Intended as a practitioner-to-practitioner resource, the column is more relaxed in style than are the regular articles. Manuscripts should be short—no longer than six pages. The Practice Highlights editor may assist authors in developing potential articles for this column.

Trends & Resources identifies books, films, videotapes, software, and other professional resources of interest to school social workers and their colleagues. The editor of this column selects materials for review and solicits topics either related to articles or to social work practice. The journal does not accept unsolicited reviews.

As Readers See It provides a forum for letters and comments from readers. The editorial board welcomes opinions of interest to the field as well as comments on articles published in the journal. These comments or letters should not exceed two pages.

To prepare your manuscript in the proper format for submission, view the Author Guidelines. Please submit manuscripts as Word documents through the online submission portal at (initial, one-time registration is required).